Nikon Coolpix S9300 |
Let's Pick a Camera!
Spring is almost here and, for some people around the world, it is already summer. This means many vacations, fun times at the beach,
hiking, outdoor parties, bon fires, night events and the list goes on. You are going
to want to take pictures and chances are you will use your phone. But there
will be a day when you want to take nice quality pictures with a little bit of
zoom because there is going to be that image out in the distance that is beyond
your cellphones reach. So I guess you can say you will be in the market for a
camera. In this post, I will talk about what kind of camera is suitable for
different situations. Oh, and before we continue, your tablet is NOT an
acceptable camera because it is just too big. If you are using your tablet as a
camera, then I suggest you pay attention...please.
The Basics
Sony Cybershot DSCW610 |
Your phone will probably be fine for the quick snappy pictures,
especially if it is over 5 megapixels (MP). Don’t forget, your camera probably doesn’t
have optical zoom (the lens does the moving for the zoom).
Your phone will then
use digital zoom (the computer zooming for you). This creates a pixelated or
blurry effect when you go to print images or crop them later on. If the image
you seek to take a picture of is off in the distance, you are going to need
something better. If you want something with a little bit of zoom then I recommend
3-5x optical zoom. Never use digital because it will make your pictures blurry.
There are many affordable and basic point and shoot cameras out there that will
do this for you. And just an FYI some still use AA batteries. Recommendation:
STAY AWAY! They are lousy at holding a charge for a long period of time (150ish
pictures), they get bulky and you will have to replace them every 10-12 months.
Lithium batteries tend to be expensive but they last about 300 pictures and I’d
recommend replacing them whenever you feel like it. I have one that has been
lasting 5 years and that’s not a joke.
Mini Zoom
The basics won’t cut it and you need some zoom. That is not
a problem considering these cameras have come down in price and size over the
past couple years. I have seen cameras with 16x optical zoom that are as small
as the basic cameras for $200 CDN. This is great because you can still carry it
around with ease and grab an object within 50 feet with ease. If I may say so,
it sounds perfect for concerts. There are some that are not so thin because
they use AA batteries. I repeat, STAY AWAY! This will not be repeated again, I promise.
In all honesty, the main difference between here and the basic camera is that
zoom cameras have more range as compared to basic cameras because size can be
very comparable.
Canon SX500is |
I call this set the biggies because they are bigger than the
other two categories. These cameras generally start with 26x optical zoom and
have many features to play with. You can change lighting, shutter speed and a
lot more functions. This type of camera is recommended for the family. Why? Because
they are a lot better for sports, distance and can do higher end video
recordings. The issue is that they are bulky and do not fit in pockets. However,
if you have a big purse you can probably fit them in there. These cameras do
take better pictures then the smaller cameras. Once you learn how to master
this, it is on to the professional grade cameras, Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR).
All-in-all, I would recommend you go with a zoom camera. They
are small, compact and have a decent zoom for the price. They are more than the
basic ones, but not that much. So here we go, the cameras I would recommend you
purchase this summer season. I picked these three for the following reasons:
- One from each category
- Lithium batteries
- They all use an SD memory card
- The lens quality is what makes the picture and they have
great lenses
My recommendations:
- The basics – Sony Cyber-shot 14.1 MP DSCW610
- The zoom – Nikon COOLPIX 16MP S9300
- Biggies – Canon PowerShot 16MP SX500IS
Before you go, I think you need to know why you don’t need a
new camera. If you camera is a few years old and is over 8 MP, then you can
already print up to 8x10 inch pictures. If you really desire the HD video recording
then I understand. If your images are getting “dirty,” purchase a camera
cleaning kit from a retail outlet because you probably haven’t cleaned it
before. Now go on out and have fun. Don’t forget to price match if you can!